Known to few but Feared by many, she is a Keeper of Secrets and Stories alike.bulma br'iefs

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  • Bulma is not related to the DBZ universe, so please refrain from making jokes or references while I have my RP tag active.

  • I am 28 years old, my pronouns are she/her.

  • I require my RP partners to be at least 21, preferably older than 23.

  • I am in a long-term monogamous relationship outside of FFXIV, so boundaries are very important to me!

  • I live in the U.S.A. and am on Eastern Standard Time.

  • Wu/T = okay!

  • All M/ERP must be discussed at length beforehand, any extreme subjects will be charged by the hour.

  • Discord is available from within the Dead Zone club server.

  • DM or /tell for gpose rates!


  NAME/ALIASES.  Bulma, Wisteria, Runt.
  AGE.   Unknown, likely in her twenties.
  HEIGHT  4'6".
  GENDER | SEXUALITY.  Cis Female | Pansexual.
  BIRTHPLACE | HOME | AFFILIATION.  South Shroud | Lavender Beds, W15 P37 | Shirogane | Helios Co. in Yanxia.
  FAMILY.   Birth family deceased.
  ADOPTED FAMILY.   Father: Vanitas. Mother: R'vina. Siblings: Rin, Nemu, Spira, Hanna, & Nikki.
  BEST FRIENDS.   Amber, Theia & J'uneko.
  EYE COLOR | HAIR COLOR | SKIN TONE.   Teal or Red. | Black and Silver. | Porcelain.
  NOTABLE FEATURES.   Full-body tattoos, two facial scars, grey facial tattoos, Keeper of the Moon clan marks, and a scar on her left hip, shaped like the letter "D".
  LANGUAGES.   Miqo’te Huntspeak, Eorzean Common, Ishgardian Common, Padjal, Hingan, Doman.

mare id available when rp tag is active

  BACKGROUND.   Born into a food shortage during an Ala Mhigan siege, Bulma was born as the runt of her family. Her upbringing was dismal, as the soldiers who stormed her village confiscated what little supplies her clan did have, leaving her helpless as she watched each member of her family pass away, one by one.Adopted by a viera and miqo'te, she was offered a second chance at life and joined the archer's guild to earn some gil on the side. Once she could afford it, Bulma packed everything she had and began to travel until one fateful night in Yanxia, where she met a dancer — an assassin, really — and she left her bow behind.Fascinated by the artistry and deadliness of dance, her new tutor trained her night and day until she was ready to work as a bodyguard for a very tight-nit family business, one known only to the very wealthy and the very dangerous. She quickly rose through the ranks becoming one of the boss's favorites, earning herself a place in The Family.And though she was halfway across Hydaelyn, Bulma never could forget her love for the forest, keeping an obsessive interest in nature and botany close to her heart…maybe a little too close, at times.  JOB | OCCUPATION.   Bartender & Botanist | Hitman.  LIKES.   Foggy weather, the smell of pine, the sound of a crackling fire. She also loves studying lichens, moss, and anything else that she can pick up from the forest floor and put into a jar for future “use.”  DISLIKES.   Surprises. Unless it's a plant, in which case new botanicals are always enthusiastically accepted.


  1. You've got a business offer... There's a corrupt official in your guild who needs to be relieved of their rank. Permanently.

  2. You happen to notice a rare sigil on the ring of her left pointer finger - it represents an ancient botanist's cult. You remember hearing about them once, how they turned from healers into something much darker. "How did she come across such an artifact?" you wonder.

  3. A twinkle in her eye tells you she can see worlds that you cannot. In jest you mention the void, but she does not see the humor, insisting that you don't know what you're talking about. You can't help but inquire why.

mare id available when rp tag is active

my nsfw work can be found here